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Why did Gulliver run blindly up a hill on seeing the giant?

Question: Why did Gulliver run blindly up a hill on seeing the giant?

Answer: June 20, 1702, ten months after his return from Lilliput and Blefuscu, Gulliver returns to the sea in a ship named Adventure. The journey begins very smoothly, the sole delay being caused by an illness contracted by the captain. They continue on their journey for several months until a storm begins to brew, pushing the journey several miles off track. However, on June 16, 1703, the crew sees land and drops anchor, at which point the captain sends a dozen men on shore to fetch water. Gulliver wanders faraway from the other men to watch the countryside until he sees them in the boat hurrying back to the ship. He tries to call out to them, but he sees that they are being chased by a giant. Though the giant is not able to catch the boat. Gulliver runs as fast as he can towards the hills into the island.

The   End 

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