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Three Questions (Textual Grammar) Answers

Three Questions

Textual Grammar

Narration Change

1. The Tsar said that he was tired and added that he might be allowed to take the spade and work awhile for him.

2. The hermit thanked him.

3. The hermit said that someone came running there and suggested that they should see who it was.

4. The beard man begged to forgive him.

5. The Tsar said that he did not know him, and had nothing to forgive him for.

6. The Tsar requested him respectfully for the last time to answer his question.

7. The hermit said that he had already been answered.

8. The Tsar asked angrily how he had answered. 

Correction of Errors

1. It once occurred to a certain Tsar.

2. He had it proclaimed throughout his kingdom.

3. I am reply to the first question.

4. They all answered his question differently. ( ‘to’ is omitted)

5. Others declared that it was impossible to decide beforehand.

6. One must consult magicians. ( ‘with’ is omitted)

7. Some replied that the most important thing in the world was science.

8. All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of them.

9. The hermit lived in a wood which he never quitted. (‘had’ is omitted)

10. He greeted him and went on digging.

11. The hermit listened to the Tsar, but answered nothing. ( ‘did not’ is omitted)

12. “I do not know you, and have nothing to forgive you for”, said the Tsar.

Synthesis of Sentences

1. Simple: This thought occurred to him, He had it proclaimed throughout his kingdom.

2. Complex: He might know what the most important thing was to do.

3. Complex: Others declared that it was impossible to decide before hand the right time for every action.

4. Complex: A person should have a council of wise men who would help him to fix the proper time for everything.

5. Simple: All the answers being different the Tsar agreed with none of them.

6. Compound: Seeing the Tsar, he greeted him but went on digging.

7. Complex: Though the hermit listened to the Tsar, he answered nothing.

8. Simple: Without giving him the spade, the Tsar continued to dig.

9. Complex: When at last the blood ceased flowing, the man revived.

10. Complex: Meanwhile since the sun had set, it had become cool.

11. Complex: The Tsar was so tired that he crouched down.

12. Complex: I am that enemy of yours who swore to revenge himself on you.


1. What was the right time for every action? Who were the most necessary people? Someone would teach him these two factors. What was the most important thing to do? He might know this. A person might tell him this. This thought had occurred to him. He would give a great reward to that person. He had it proclaimed throughout his kingdom.

2. It was impossible to decide beforehand the right time for every action. But one should not let oneself be absorbed in idle past time. Something or other was going on. One should always attend to all these. The most needful thing was to be done. Then one should do this. Others declared this.

3. All the answers were different. So the Tsar agreed with none of them. He gave reward to none.

4. The blood would not stop flowing. So the bandage soaked with worm blood. The Tsar again and again removed the bandage. He washed the bandage. He re-bandaged the wound.   

5. You executed the enemy’s brother.  You seized his property. I am that enemy of yours. That enemy swore to revenge himself on you.

6. You are with a man. He will ever have dealings with anyone else.  However no man knows this. So, he is the most necessary man.  For that purpose alone was man sent into this life. So to do him good is the most important affair.

See Also:

Three Questions (Textual Grammar) Questions

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