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Biographia Literaria Chapter XIV: Coleridge’s critique of Wordsworth’s poetic style

Biographia Literaria Chapter XIV

Coleridge’s critique of Wordsworth’s poetic style

Biographia Literaria Chapter XIV: Coleridge’s critique of Wordsworth’s poetic style

Q. Comment on Coleridge’s critique of Wordsworth’s poetic style in Biographia Literaria Chapter xiv.

Answer: Coleridge's critique of Wordsworth's poetic style in Biographia Literaria Chapter XIV can be seen as part of a broader debate within the Romantic Movement about the nature and purpose of poetry. Wordsworth and Coleridge were both central figures in this movement, which sought to create a new kind of poetry that was more closely connected to everyday life and experience.

However, while Wordsworth tended to focus on the natural world and the lives of ordinary people, Coleridge was more interested in exploring the supernatural and the inner workings of the human mind. This fundamental difference in their approach to poetry is reflected in Coleridge's critique of Wordsworth's style, as he argues that Wordsworth's focus on the external world can lead to a lack of psychological depth in his poetry.

In Chapter XIV of Biographia Literaria, Samuel Taylor Coleridge offers a critique of his friend and fellow poet William Wordsworth's poetic style. Coleridge argues that Wordsworth's poems suffer from a lack of "selection," by which he means that Wordsworth's descriptions are often too long and detailed, and that he includes too many elements that are not essential to the poem's central theme.

Coleridge believes that Wordsworth's failure to be selective in his poetic style leads to a lack of unity in his poems. He argues that Wordsworth often includes too many disparate elements in his poems, which can detract from the overall impact of the work. Coleridge suggests that Wordsworth's poems would be stronger if he were more judicious in his use of language and imagery.

Furthermore, Coleridge critiques Wordsworth's tendency to use "low and rustic life" as the subject matter of his poetry. While Coleridge acknowledges that this can be an effective technique, he argues that Wordsworth often relies too heavily on this approach and that it can become repetitive and predictable.

Coleridge's critique of Wordsworth's poetic style is not meant to be dismissive or overly critical. Rather, he is offering constructive feedback to his friend and fellow poet in the hopes of helping him to improve his craft. Coleridge recognizes the immense talent and potential of Wordsworth as a poet and believes that by being more selective in his language and subject matter, Wordsworth can produce even more powerful and impactful poetry.

Coleridge also criticizes Wordsworth for his tendency to use a simplistic and repetitive diction in his poetry. He argues that this can lead to a lack of nuance and subtlety in his work, and that it can make his poetry seem overly didactic or moralistic.

Despite these criticisms, Coleridge acknowledges that Wordsworth is a talented and innovative poet, and he recognizes the importance of his contributions to the Romantic Movement. However, he believes that by being more selective in his language and imagery, and by exploring more complex and psychological themes, Wordsworth could take his poetry to even greater heights.

In the end, Coleridge's critique of Wordsworth's poetic style can be seen as a reflection of the ongoing dialogue and experimentation that characterized the Romantic Movement. By engaging in this critique and debate, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and their contemporaries helped to push the boundaries of what poetry could be and laid the groundwork for the development of modern literature.


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