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Volpone: Ben Jonson's play, Volpone as a satirical comedy

Volpone: Ben Jonson's play, Volpone as a satirical comedy

Volpone: Ben Jonson's play, Volpone as a satirical comedy

Q. Discuss Ben Jonson's play, Volpone as a satirical comedy.

Answer: Ben Johnson’s play "Volpone" is undoubtedly regarded as a well known comedy in English literature. Ben Johnson was a notable writer and theorist of English renaissance literature. The play was first published in 1607. In this play, Ben Johnson portrays the deceptions that prevailed in contemporary society. Ben Johnson does it by using its clever wordplay, exaggerated characters, and biting social commentary. 

However, Ben Johnson's play, "Volpone", is mainly notable for its use of satire. In this play he uses humour and wit to expose the absurdity and flaws of human behavior. Johnson uses satirical elements like verbal irony, puns, double entendre, and wordplay to create comedic effects in the play. The play is filled with witty dialogue and sharp repartee.  The play makes the audience both laugh at and reflect on the characters’ actions and motivations.

The central theme of the play is the pursuit of greed and materialism. It engulfs the entire boundary of the society. The character of Volpone himself embodies this theme. He very cleverly feigns illness to deceive others and grasp the entire world in an illegal way. He revels in his own strategies and delights in the power he holds over those who seek his favour.  Volpone's insatiable desire for money and positions serves as a satirical critic of human nature.

Besides Volpone, there are some other characters who are primarily contaminated and flawed characters. Characters like Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino are driven by their own avarice. They are willing to engage in deceit, corruption and betrayal. By these tricks they want to secure their share of Volpone's fortune. Through these characters, Ben Johnson shows the moral decay of human nature. Their loss of morality is the result of relentless pursuit of wealth and power.

The satirical element in the play is also noticed through the use of farce and physical comedy. The play infuses elements of humor, mistaken identities and absurd situations to create comedic effects. The characters find themselves entangled in a series of complicated schemes. It leads to chaotic and humorous results in the play.

Moreover, the play, "Volpone", satirizes the social and political structures of its time. Ben Johnson uses the character of Sir Politic Would-Be. He is an English visitor to Venice. He is obsessed with self-importance and political intrigue. Sir Politic's exaggerated behavior and misplaced confidence serve as a satirical commentary on the corrupt nature of political machinations and the folly of those who blindly pursue power.

Johnson's satirical intent is also evident in the play's structure and language. The play, Volpone, is written in five acts. It was written with the conventions of classical comedy. The play features a tightly woven plot with intricate schemes and deceptions. The use of these schemes and deceptions is starkly reminiscent of the comedies of ancient Roman playwrights like Plautus and Terence. Besides, Johnson's use of poetic language, including rhyme, meter and rhetorical devices, adds to the comedic effect in the play.

Thus, Ben Johnson's play, Volpone, stands as a prime example of satirical comedy. The playwright portrays the comic sense through his use of humor, wit and exaggerated characters in the play. The main focus in the play is on the greed, materialism and corrupting influence of wealth and power. Ben Johnson’s skillful use of satire ensures that Bolton remains an everlasting satirical comedy of the renaissance literature.


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