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Asleep in the Valley (S.A.Q)

Asleep in the Valley
Arthur Rimbaud

Asleep in the Valley (S.A.Q)

1. Who composed the poem Asleep in the Valley?
- Asleep in the Valley is composed by Arthur Rimbaud.

2. What type of poem is Asleep in the Valley?
- The poem Asleep in the Valley is a Sonnet.

3. What particular form is used in the poem Asleep in the Valley?
- The poet has used the Italian form of the sonnet in the poem Asleep in the Valley.

4. What is the main feature of an Italian sonnet?
- The main feature of an Italian sonnet is that it has an Octave consisting of eight lines and a Sestet consisting of six lines.

5. What is the poem Asleep in the Valley about?
- The poem Asleep in the Valley is about war.

6. Where is the soldier lying?
- The soldier is lying in the beautiful valley which seems like earthly heaven because of its surroundings.

7. Why is the soldier sleeping in that valley?
- Actually the soldier is the victim of war. He has been shot dead there.

8. What does the poet ask nature to do?
- The poet asks nature to keep him warm so that he may not catch cold.

9. What is the pillow of soldier made of?
- The pillow of the soldier is made of fern.

10. Where is the one hand of the soldier?
- The soldier's one hand is upon his breast.

11. What type of poem is this?
- The poem Asleep in the Valley is a sonnet.


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