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What was the only obstacle to Gulliver's third voyage in?

Question: What was the only obstacle to Gulliver's third voyage in?

Answer: Gulliver’s third voyage is to Laputa. It is more complex than Lilliput or Brobdingnag because its strangeness is not based on differences of size but, instead, on the primacy of abstract theoretical concerns over concrete practical concerns in Laputan culture. Nonetheless, physical power is simply as important in Laputa because it is in Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Here, power is exercised not through physical size but through technology. However, Gulliver has been home in England only ten days when a visitor comes to his house, asking him to sail aboard his ship in two months’ time. Gulliver agrees and prepares to set out for the East Indies. On the voyage, pirates attack the ship. Gulliver hears a Dutch voice among them and speaks to the pirate in Dutch , begging to be set free since he and therefore the pirate are both Christians. A Japanese pirate tells them they're going to not die, and Gulliver tells the Dutchman that he is surprised to seek out more mercy in a heathen than in a Christian. The Dutchman grows angry and punishes Gulliver by sending him out to sea in a small boat with only four days’ worth of food.


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