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Mahesh Dattani’s Bravely Fought the Queen - Notes on the surreal elements: BARICK ACADEMY

Bravely Fought the Queen by Mahesh Dattani

(Notes on the surreal elements)

Notes on the surreal elements in Mahesh Dattani’s Bravely Fought the Queen

Q. Write a note on the surreal elements in Mahesh Dattani’s Bravely Fought the Queen.

Answer: Mahesh Dattani’s play "Bravely Fought the Queen" is a contemporary drama that explores the themes of power, gender, and identity. The play incorporates surreal elements to depict the psychological and emotional states of the characters, and to comment on the cultural and societal norms that shape their behavior.

One of the most prominent surreal elements in the play is the character of the Queen, who is a larger-than-life figure with supernatural powers. The Queen represents the patriarchal society that controls and oppresses the female characters in the play. Her presence serves to emphasize the power imbalance between men and women in Indian society and the struggle of women to break free from it.

Another surreal element in the play is the repeated appearance of a mysterious young boy who seems to have a supernatural ability to see into the hearts and minds of the characters. His presence is symbolic of the characters' innermost desires and fears, and his insights help to shed light on their motivations and actions.

Additionally, the play uses dream sequences and hallucinations to explore the characters' psychological states. For example, Jaya, the protagonist, has a recurring dream in which she is trapped in a room with no doors or windows, which represents her feelings of being trapped in her marriage and unable to escape the societal expectations placed on her.

Another surreal element in the play is the presence of the black cat, which appears at various points and is said to bring bad luck. The cat symbolizes the destructive forces that threaten the characters' lives and relationships. Its appearance serves to heighten the tension and create a sense of foreboding in the play.

In addition to the aforementioned surreal elements, the play also incorporates several other symbolic elements that add to its surreal and dreamlike quality. For example, the repeated references to mirrors and reflections serve to highlight the theme of identity and self-perception. The characters frequently look at themselves in mirrors, and their reflections often reveal their innermost desires and fears.

Overall, the use of surreal elements in "Bravely Fought the Queen" adds depth and complexity to the characters and their situations. It allows the play to explore themes and issues that might be difficult to represent realistically, and helps to create a distinctive and powerful theatrical experience for the audience. Through its use of surrealism, the play highlights a powerful critique of Indian society and its oppressive patriarchal norms.


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