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Place of Art in Education by Nandalal Bose D.A.Q. (5 Marks), Class - XI

The Place of Art in Education

Nandalal Bose

D.A.Q. (5 Marks)

1. What is the role of language and literature? How are they associated with the art?

Answer: Humans have basic superiority over other animals. Speaking of which, he has the language to communicate with his classmates. This language again gave him the power to create literature, science, philosophy and much more. He has expressed them in his language, with the help of what he can feel, think or do.

       A variety of expressions need to be achieved through art. Indeed, art contributes to the power of human expression not only through language, but also through different branches of art. These include dance, music, painting and the like. Man is a complex animal. Its completeness requires a mix of its various innate gifts. Thus language and literature go hand in hand with art.


2. How did Nandalal Bose talk about the spread of art education?

Answer: Nandalal Bose has described the number of remedies to increase the aesthetic sense among the students. He suggested that painting sculptures and other specimens of fine and functional art should be displayed in classrooms, libraries and students ’living rooms. Second, readable books on art should be written by well-qualified people. Third, students should be introduced to selected examples of art in this country through film. Fourth, students with qualified teachers should be taken to museums and image galleries to see famous examples of past art. Fifth, seasonal festivals should be held to acquaint students with nature. Sixth, students should be introduced to the nature of the seasons with their own festivals. After all, every school should hold an art festival every year. Each student should take part in it with a sample of their own created art.


3. According to Nandalal Bose, how does lack of aesthetic sense affect life?

Answer: Aesthetic knowledge expresses intimate concern for beauty, decency, culture and comfort. It is necessary for the overall development of human beings. Lack of aesthetic sense makes a mind narrow and limited when aesthetic knowledge is absent, the surroundings become worse. These are all full of garbage. A filthy state of dirt and spit super-juices and there is a disgusting scene presented everywhere. Unfortunately enough the present Indian generation becomes dependent upon the foreign masters to learn the values of Indian art and sculpture and painting from.

4. How does a poor Santal express beauty and discipline in his daily life?

Answer: According to Nandalal Bose, the lifeblood of art is in the sense of beauty and discipline but not in the value of its meaning. For example, a poor and uneducated Santal cleans his pots, stacks his earthenware pots, and puts his torn drops in the proper place. On the other hand, an educated college student puts all the rubbish in his dormitory. The so-called educated people put shirts in photo frames. They spread cups and combs on the study table. They even use cocoa tin for paper flowers.

       This indicates that the sense of pride is a necessary part of the poor Santal, but to the college student it is a patron. Through this example, the author wants to make us aware of that 'lack of taste' by simply referring to 'our poverty aesthetically'.





- Give answer according to Nandalal Bose's view?


How does Nandalal Bose differentiate the fine art and the functional art? "Will art make a living for us?"

Answer: Renowned and experienced artist and art teacher Nandalal Bose has answered this question directly. He said that fine art is pure art which exists for itself. There is no responsibility in life. It frees our minds from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and gives us aesthetic joy. Functional art, on the other hand, refers to the utility aspect of art, its impact on life and society. With its magic touch, functional art brings beauty to the things in our lives and indirectly provides our livelihood. Nandalal Bose here warns our readers that it would be detrimental both from an aesthetic point of view and from an economic point of view against the harsh consequences of neglecting art from the realm of our daily lives.




- Explain.

Answer: Nandalal Bose thinks that ordinary people usually have a sensitive attitude towards art. They think that it is the exclusive domain of art rich and pleasure lovers and has nothing to do with the common man. They may not realize the fact that the liveliness of any work of art does not imply its aesthetic value and its discipline, not its financial value. For example, a poor and uneducated member of a tribal community keeps his hut neat and clean and tidies up his pots and beds, where a rich college student clutters a wardrobe and belongings in his dormitory room. The author is distressed to see the widespread inadequacy and lack of taste in today's society. He has often seen the educated public display good pictures as well as bad photographs. He saw photo frames and shirts from litter cups and combs hanging on the hostel students ’study tables. It is often seen that people wear open breasted jackets with ‘dhoti’ or high heeled shoes with sarees. This kind of indifference to clothing in interior decoration certainly shows the signs of our poverty in aesthetic sensitivity. People generally consider the useful side of things, not their aesthetic side. This is the utility aspect of things that fall into the realm of functional industry. While fine arts like painting, music, etc. liberate our minds from various aspects of life, its functional art with its magical touch brings beauty to our everyday objects and provides a way of our livelihood. Thus, removing art from our daily lives is detrimental, both from an aesthetic point of view and from an economic point of view.


7. According to Nandalal Bose, what steps should be taken to introduce and implement the concept of art education in India?

Answer: Nandalal Bose has expressed dissatisfaction with the present state of art education in India in his magazine 'The Place of the Industry of Education'. He suggested taking action in the interest of an industry-friendly environment in schools and colleges. According to Bose, the roots of art education lie in the observation of nature and the study of art subjects under the direction of expert men. Training in fine and practical art will develop students' powers of observation and give them better insights into literature, science and philosophy. Good paintings and other samples of art are displayed in students ’classrooms, libraries and in study. Good books on art with adequate illustrations should be made available to them. Students should be introduced to great samples of art from different countries through films. These should be taken in museums and image galleries, so that they can gain first-hand knowledge of a variety of art. These experiences will go a long way in awakening their aesthetic vision and strengthening their judgment. Seasonal festivities should be organized to bring students in close contact with the fruits and flowers of the season. Until the end, every school or college should organize an annual art festival so that each student can participate in something created with the help of awakening his or her aesthetic sensibilities and live a happy and joyful life.


8. What did Nandalal Bose say about museums and art galleries in the context of art education?

Answer: One of the recommendations of Nandalal Bose related to art-education is to visit museums and picture galleries regularly by the students of an institution. Of course, they must be with their qualified teachers. Under the supervision of teachers they will communicate directly with the great works of art and painting. Their aesthetic vision will be further broadened through this. Their aesthetic sensibilities will also be awakened. They will be true worship of art.


9. What does Nandalal Bose say about the connection of art-students with nature?

Answer: Nandalal Bose in his text, ‘The Place of art in Education’ emphasized the attachment of students of nature to assist in art education. Students have to go to the bosom of nature to do their season festivals. They will come in close contact with various natural objects - flowers and fruits etc. They should enjoy the rich fields in autumn and the carnival of lotus ponds, palash and shimul flowers. Second, they need to enrich their eyes and minds by actively participating in nature’s own festivals in different seasons. For this seasonal festivals should be organized on special holidays. Aesthetic knowledge comes when students become acquainted with nature.


Read Also:

* The Place of Art in Education - M.C.Q. (1Marks)

* The Place of Art in Education - S.A.Q. (1 Marks)

* The Place of Art in Education - D.A.Q. (5 Marks)

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