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The Place of Art in Education by Nandalal Bose - S.A.Q (Class -XI)

The Place of Art in Education 


Nandalal Bose 

- S.A.Q (Class -XI) 

The Place of Art in Education -S.A.Q

1. What is the source of this extract? 

Answer: The source of the extract is the English version of 'Silpa-Katha' written by Nandalal Bose.

2. What is the utility of language?

Answer: The utility of language is that it helps people to acquire knowledge and attain inner happiness.

3. Who can’t tell the difference between painting and photography?

Answer: The educated and the common man cannot distinguish between painting and photography.

4. What are the two facets of art education?

Answer: The two aspects of art education are fine art and functional art.

5. Who and what is responsible for our lack of taste in art?

Answer: Our educated public and the universities of our country are responsible for the lack of taste in our art.

6. How do educated people advertise their devotion to their art?

Answer: Educated people advertise their devotion to the art by showing good paintings as well as framed pin-ups.

7. What, according to Nandalal Bose, has closely followed the economic decline of our country?

Answer: According to Nandalal Bose, the decline of the functional art has closely followed the economic decline of our country.

8. On the basis of utility, what will the educated use instead of "elegant earthen pitchers"?

Answer: On the basis of utility, educated people use tin containers in the place of earthenware.

9. Where are the roots of art education?

Answer: The roots of art education lie in the observation of nature and the study of art subjects with the help of experts.

10. How does the absence of a sense of beauty harm a person?

Answer: Lack of sense of beauty harms a person's physical and mental well-being.

11. How does art education help people?

Answer: Art education enhances a person's knowledge and aesthetic experience and trains him in a variety of expressions.

12. What is the general idea about art in India?

Answer: The general idea of ​​ art in India is that it is the exclusive field of a few professionals.

13. Why can't people differentiate between an image and a picture?

Answer: People cannot distinguish between paintings and photographs because they do not understand art.

14. Why are educated people being fooled with Japanese dolls?

Answer: Educated people got surprised with Japanese dolls because they take these dolls as a great example of art.

15. How does functional art help us in our daily lives?

Answer: Functional art brings beauty to our daily use and in our lives and provides our livelihood.

16. How is the sense of beauty for poor Santal?

Answer: For poor Santhal, the sense of beauty is an essential part of his life.

17. Why is the son of a rich man without a sense of beauty?

Answer: The sense of beauty is too much for the son of a rich man and for that it is lifeless.

18. What sets our past apart from heritage?

Answer: Lack of art education sets us apart from our past heritage.

19. How can students awaken their aesthetic vision?

Answer: Students can awaken their aesthetic vision by fighting directly with the art object.

20. How can a school art festival be given a total shape?

Answer: An art festival of a school can be given total size and beauty including music, dance and procession.

21. How can students interact more closely with nature?

Answer: By observing seasonal festivals, students can be brought into close contact with nature which should include seasonal fruits and flower displays.

22. Why did Nandalal Bose put pressure on the students who were introduced to nature?

Answer: Nandalal Bose emphasized on introducing students to nature as it would develop their aesthetic sense.

23. How does a poor Santal mean his beauty?

Answer: A poor Santal shows his sense of beauty by keeping his hut clean and tidy, arranging his utensils and beds neatly.

24. Where is the vitality of art work?

 Answer: The vitality of any work of art is not in the value of its money, but in the sense of its beauty and discipline.

25. What kind of clothing does Mr. Bose lack in taste?

Answer: When people wear open breasted jackets with ‘dhoti’ or high heeled shoes with sarees, Mr. Bose notices a lack of taste in them.

26. Why do we need foreign communication?

Answer: We need our foreign attachments to explain the importance of painting, sculpture and architecture to our past.

27. How can observing good work in the art help students?

Answer:  Observing good work in the industry can help students develop their aesthetic knowledge.

28. How does fine art contribute to aesthetic pleasure?

Answer: Fine art frees our minds from the hindrances of sorrow and conflict in our daily lives and takes us into a world of aesthetic bliss.

29. What are the two aspects of literature?

Answer: The two aspects of literature are the cultivation of knowledge with aesthetic pleasure and professional expectation.

30. How do people who do not have a sense of beauty pollute society?

Answer: People who have no idea about beauty pollute the society by scattering rubbish on the walls, roads, railway coaches etc.

31. With what does man apprehend the world?

Answer: Man apprehends world with his mind and senses.

32. What are the two kinds of art?

Answer: The two kinds of art are fine art and functional art.

33. Which type of art provides us with means of livelihood?

Answer: Functional art provides us with means of livelihood.

34. What does fine art do?

Answer: Fine art liberates our mind from the constraints of sorrows and conflicts of our daily lives into a world of aesthetic delight.

35. Why are the seasonal festivals essential for the students of art?

Answer: Seasonal festivals are necessary for the students of art so that their aesthetic sensibilities and love for nature become profound.  


Read Also:

* The Place of Art in Education - M.C.Q. (1Marks)

* The Place of Art in Education - S.A.Q. (1 Marks)

* The Place of Art in Education - D.A.Q. (5 Marks)

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