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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 2nd strain – symptoms and food list

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 2nd strain 

– symptoms and food list

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 2nd strain – symptoms and food list

We all know that the most common symptoms of a deadly coronavirus are cold, cough, fever, loss of taste and odor. Although the second wave of coronavirus is spreading like wildfire, after a while the second strain begins to disrupt many lives. COVID-19 has various symptoms and treatment complications that come with the virus. It affects a person's physical and mental health. Now, health experts have warned about the signs that you have been infected with the virus.

Wondering how to detect a COVID-19 test or an antibody test? According to experts, the signs and symptoms appear a few months after the fight with the virus.

Here are some possible symptoms related to coronavirus

Loss of taste and smell: COVID-19 has various symptoms and one of the most annoying is loss of smell and taste. It can be difficult to fight depression in order to lose the effectiveness of your sense of smell.

Abnormal cough: Cough was the main symptom of COVID-19 but it is one of the symptoms of endless cough with different sound from normal cough. No one should confuse it with a smoker's cough.

Breathing: A report from Lance Live states that dyspepsia is a symptom of chest discomfort, difficulty breathing and palpitations.

Stomach problems: Researchers say that many gastrointestinal complaints are also coming. COVID-19 infection affects the upper respiratory tract, however, a new study has found that diarrhea, and nausea, abdominal cramps, nausea and pain are symptoms of the coronavirus. If you experience any digestive discomfort, you must get yourself tested.

Fatigue: Another symptom of COVID-19 infected patients is frequency of tiredness and fatigue. The study found that about 63% of patients suffer from fatigue, weakness, and muscle aches for about six months after the onset of the first symptoms.

Pink eyes: According to a study done in China, pink eyes or conjunctivitis are the symptoms of COVID-19 infection. People with pink eyes may develop redness, puffiness and watery eyes. The 12 participants who infected the coronavirus with the new strain showed this symptom.

Brain fog: Patients who have recently recovered from seaweed or have been infected with the virus have reported neurological symptoms. It has been noticed that most of the long COVID-19 patients reported symptoms of brain fog or mental confusion. Not only that, but there were also neurological problems, including memory loss or sleep deprivation.

Heart Palpitations: According to the Mayo Clinic, it is also a symptom of palpitations or rapid heartbeat, fluttering or feeling of heart palpitations. A study found that most of the patients who have been recovered from COVID-19 have claimed to be involved in heart disease, with 60% of patients undergoing myocardial inflammation.

You must consult your doctor if you have experienced any of these symptoms in the recent past. People recovering from Covid-19 should pay more attention to muscle health, immunity and energy levels. Here is a list of foods that should be eaten to build natural immunity against COVID-19.

Loss of taste and sense of smell is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19 infection. Since the patient's appetite decreases during this time and the patient has difficulty swallowing, this is thought to result in muscle damage in the body. 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 2nd strain – food list

Learn what else should be included in the diet of COVID-19 patient:

> Put colorful fruits and vegetables on your food list to get enough vitamins and minerals.

> Eat small amounts of dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa to get rid of anxiety.

> It will be useful to drink turmeric milk once a day to increase immunity.

> It is necessary to eat soft food at short intervals.

> Ragi, whole grains like oats have been suggested for COVID – 19 affected patients.

> Good sources of protein such as chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, soybeans, and nuts need to be eaten

> Need to extract healthy fats like walnuts, nuts, olive oil and mustard oil.


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👉 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 2nd strain – symptoms and food list

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