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A Thirsty Crow and a Pitcher – Story Writing

 A Thirsty Crow and a Pitcher

A Thirsty Crow and a Pitcher – Story Writing

Write a story using the following points

(Points: a crow thirsty – flying for water – found a pitcher – water at the bottom- could not reach - made a plan – dropped pebbles into the pitcher - water rose – crow could drink.)

Model: 01

A Thirsty Crow and a Pitcher

Answer: It was a hot summer day. The sun was beating harder than before. A crow that was wandering here and there in search of food became terribly thirsty. So, instead of looking for food, he decided to go here and there and leave some stones to drink some water but saw that all the ponds and lakes had dried up. So he decided to find water in the area.

              But alas! All the doors and windows of the house were closed due to the unbearable heat of the sun. He was really worried but he did not give up hope. While inspecting the area, he discovered a large pitcher outside a former hut. This discovery gave him infinite joy and satisfaction. So, he said to himself, "I was almost dying of suffocation, but here is this pitcher. The water in this pitcher will surely quench my thirst and give me a new life." So he flew into the pitcher with a dry throat but a smiling face. , He saw that there was water under the jug and the jug was big inside, it was impossible for the crow to get water with the last beak of his neck. However, he did not give up hope.

               Suddenly he noticed some pebbles lying nearby. So, he thought, "If I throw all these pebbles in the jug, the water level will rise. Then I will be able to get water, drink and save my life." He did what he thought. The water level slowly but steadily rose to the limit. The crow drinks the water of his feelings. For now he seems to have quenched both hunger and thirst. He was thus rewarded for the presence of the mind. He happily left to bless the farmer, but did not know what great work he had been able to do.

Morality: Where there is desire, there is way. Or, we should never give up hope. (322 words)

A Thirsty Crow and a Pitcher – Story Writing

A Thirsty Crow and a Pitcher

Model: 02

Answer: It was a hot summer day. The sun was beating down mercilessly than ever. A crow that was moving here and there in search of food became terribly thirsty. So, instead of looking for food, she decided to leave no stone unturned to have some water she went here and there but found that all the ponds and lakes were dry. So she decided to search for water in the locality.

              But alas! Due to the unbearable heat of the sun, all the doors and windows of the houses were closed. She became really worried at it but she did not give up hope. Inspecting the locality she discovered a large pitcher outside the hut of a former. This discovery gave her immense delight and satisfaction. So, she said to herself, “I was almost choking to death, but here is this pitcher. The water of this pitcher will surely satisfy my thirst and does give me a new life”. So with a dry throat but smiling face she flew to the pitcher. To her utter horror, she found that the water was at the bottom of the pitcher and the pitcher being large inside, it was impossible for the crow to get the water with her neck end beak. However, she did not give up hope.

               Suddenly, she noticed some pebbles which were lying nearby. So, she thought, “if I drop all these pebbles into the pitcher, the water level will rise. Then I will be able to get to the water, drink it and also save my life”. She did as she thought. With the gradual dropping of the pebbles into the pitcher, the water level slowly but steadily came up to the brim. The crow drank the water to her feel. It seemed to her so satisfy both hunger and thirst, though for the time being. She was rewarded in this way for her presence of mind. Thus she got back to some extent her lost energy and mental vitality. So she went away happily uttering blessing to the farmer who however could not know the noble work he had done.

Moral: Where there is a will, there is a way. Or, we should never give up hope. (370 Words)


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👉 A Thirsty Crow and a Pitcher | Story Writing 

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