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Roxana’s struggle to secure financial stability in the novel, Roxana, The Fortunate Mistress

Roxana, The Fortunate Mistress by Daniel Defoe

Roxana’s struggle to secure financial stability

Roxana’s struggle to secure financial stability in the novel, Roxana, The Fortunate Mistress

Q. How does Roxana struggle to secure financial stability? Give answer with reference to Defoe's novel, 'Roxana, The Fortunate Mistress'.

Answer: In Defoe’s novel, "Roxana, The Fortunate Mistress," the protagonist, Roxana, faces numerous challenges in her quest to secure financial stability. These challenges arise from her changing circumstances, the unpredictability of her relationships, and the limitations imposed by the society she navigates. Here are some instances that illustrate Roxana's struggle to achieve financial security:

    Her Husband's Ruin: At the beginning of the novel, Roxana's husband, a merchant, experiences financial ruin. This sudden change in their circumstances forces Roxana to seek a new life and take control of her own financial well-being. She becomes determined to secure her own stability, as she can no longer rely on her husband's resources.

    Monsieur D'Albert's Disappearance: Roxana's relationship with Monsieur D'Albert, a wealthy Dutch merchant, provides her with a comfortable life and financial support. However, when D'Albert abruptly disappears, Roxana is left without his financial backing and must find alternative means to sustain herself and her child. This event leaves her in a vulnerable position and necessitates her pursuit of new opportunities.

    Utilizing Deception and Manipulation: Roxana resorts to deception and manipulation to secure financial stability. She uses her beauty, charm, and wit to attract and manipulate wealthy suitors. By engaging in relationships and becoming a mistress, Roxana gains access to resources and financial support. However, these means are precarious and often subject her to the whims and changing fortunes of the men she is involved with.

    The Fragility of Relationships: Roxana's financial stability is contingent upon her ability to maintain relationships with men who provide for her. However, these relationships are often transient and unpredictable. She experiences periods of prosperity but also moments of uncertainty and even abandonment. The precarious nature of these relationships constantly threatens her financial security and forces her to adapt and find new opportunities.

Throughout the novel, Roxana's struggle to secure financial stability is marked by a combination of agency, resourcefulness, and vulnerability. She is driven by her desire for independence and security, which leads her to make calculated choices and engage in manipulative tactics. However, the transient and unstable nature of her circumstances underscores the challenges she faces and the limitations imposed by the social and economic constraints of her time.

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