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Metaverse: The New Virtual World

 Metaverse: The New Virtual World

Metaverse: The New Virtual World

‘Metaverse’, sounds a bit like the words in a comics or science fiction book.

But Metaverse are a reality. This is the world where digital content is layered for you. From the experience of traveling without going in person to shopping for clothes online, trial at home or buying a car, test driving at home — everything is possible in Metaverse.

    The most talked about technology of the present time is called Metaverse. According to informed sources, Metaverse will be the future of the internet world. Combining various aspects of technology, it includes everything including virtual reality, augmented reality and video.

    Simply put, the experience of traveling through Metaverse at home will be similar to the remote area of ​​Bankura from Niagara Falls in North America. Not alone, but with a partner. If you need a trial when buying clothes online, it is possible to do it in Metaverse. Although it may seem a bit imaginative, if you want to buy a car and do test driving at home, it will be easier in this new internet world.

    👉 What is ‘Metaverse’?

    ‘Metaverse’ is a virtual world supported by block chain. It is the world where augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D avatars of holograms, video and many more aspects of public relations come together. The Greek word 'meta' means above or after. Metaverse is a combination of the words meta and universe. The combined word ‘Metaverse’ means ‘the world outside the world’, where almost everything can be enjoyed as real as opposed to physical presence.

    👉 Metaverse is not new at all

    The term Metaverse may be new to some, but it was conceived almost three decades ago. In 1992, American science fiction writer Neil Stephenson first used the word "Metaverse" in his novel "Snow Crash". Where he imagined, almost like humans, different avatars are seen in 3D multi-storey. It can be assumed that the author laid the foundation of today's metavars world through that fiction 30 years ago. Now virtual reality is more popular and affordable. Internet usage has increased rapidly worldwide. The demand for online games is skyrocketing.

    Metaverse: The New Virtual World

    👉 Metaverse: How is it working?

    We've been seeing Metaverse apply to video games like Fortnite and Roblox for many years. In this case, the virtual reality has become more attractive. Those video game companies have been fighting for years for the evolution of Metaverse. It is a world where Metaverse users can do virtual tours around the world. They communicate with each other and can even participate in events through virtual.

    👉 Metaverse: Strong effect in all cases

    In addition to two-dimensional digital spaces, there will be a reality where users can live together. Metaverse can open the door to a new economy. Where assets can be created, traded and developed using a currency different from the real world.

    👉 Metaverse: The evolution of technology

    The evolution of new technologies is required for the implementation of Metaverse. For example, you need a 'digital me' or a person's 'digital twin' to mimic a real-world presence. There are concerns about the confidentiality, security, diversity and ethical conduct of information. Real-world problems can add a new dimension to the virtual world. Let's see how Facebook tackles this challenge. In this regard, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg said that everyone has to wait at least five years to get all the benefits of this Metaverse.

    👉 Facebook's explanation regarding 'Metaverse'

    Facebook has already changed the name of its company. Many were surprised by the Meta naming. But there are far-reaching thoughts hidden in it. Facebook says, 'Metaverse is a set of virtual spaces, where you can interact with anyone else in the world, just like in the real world, without having to be physically present. That means you'll be able to hang out with friends, work, play, learn, shop, make something and much more. "

    One thing is clear from this explanation of Facebook; we are now familiar with a part of Metaverse. When we spend a lot of time online, it's actually virtual communication through the elements of Metaverse. That's why Facebook will not run Metaverse. The way 'embedded internet' is managed by different organizations, the same is going to happen in the case of Metaverse.


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