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Holi 2024 : Date and Time, Holika Dahan & 10 Interesting Facts

Holi, the Festival of Colors

Holi 2024 : Date and Time, Holika Dahan & 10 Interesting Facts

Holi is one of the many festivals observes in India. It is also known as the festival of colors. Holi it most populated festival for the people of India. It is a happy event and mainly observed in the season of spring. This festival is observed with much happiness and exhilaration.

    The holi festival is mainly observed in the month of March. This festival continues for two days. The first day is marked as holika dahan. And the second day is known as rangoli holi, dhulandi or badi holi. Holika dahan is mainly observed in the eve of holi. The observation of holika dahan is specially marked by fairing lights. During this time people mainly in the village area set fires with tyres, straws or such unusable objects making an idol of evil power. While firing this idol people gathered around the fire and they perform dance, songs and such holistic observations.

    In the year 2024 holi had been observed on 25th March Monday.

    👉  Holi, the festival of colors:

    Holi is the festival of happiness and love and it is mark with colors. Traditionally during this festival people use colorful powder known as aabir and also throw water mixed with various colors. During this festival people enjoyed delicious food drinks and much more. This festival is held on the eve of badi holi. This festival is also observed to forget our sorrowful past unexpected events. With the observation of holi festival, we actually inaugurate the season of spring.

    Holi is vastly observed festival in India. It is not only the festival of Hindus but also of the people of different religions and nationality. This festival is mainly observed for two days. The first day is known as holika dahan that is the victory over the evil power by firing ominous powers. And the second day is known as rangoli holi that is the main festival of colors.

    👉  Holika dahan, the early event of holi

    On the occasion of holika dahan people gather around a bonfire which is decorated with a tree like structure on which there hangs the unused tyres, straws etc. In the evening time, people set fires on the straws and the hanging tyres. Therefore they perform dance, singing event and also perform religious rituals. It is said that this kind of activities actually increase the temperament of this festival.

    Holi is the time for the people when they forget their sorrowful past and plant into the river of happiness and harmony. It is a kind of festival that celebrates unity in diversity and encourages people to take the taste of life. Wholly is not only observed in India but also observed many countries outside the India. Now, holi is observed as a populated cultural observation throughout the world.

    👉  Interesting facts about the holi festival

    The origin of holi festival is included in Hindu Puran and it is to be noted that this festival is mainly originated in the Indian continent.

    This festival is related to the story of Prahlad and Holika, Lord Krishna and Radha, Lord Shiva and the Cupid God.

    Wholly is not only observed in India but also it is observed true other countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and many more countries throughout the world.

    Holi festival Inaugurates the season of spring it is known as the festival of colours.

    In Hindu poor and there mentioned previous colours which is used during this festival therefore these colours have much significance. For example red colour is marked as the symbol of love and green colour is the symbol of fertility, blue colour represents gods and goddess and yellow colour suggests knowledge and learning.

    Holi festival is observed by all the people lived in a society and it is festival in which people forget their sorrowful past events and unite with each other.

    In this festival people enjoy the day with delicious foods, suites cards, snacks etc.

    In such special area of India like Brindavan, Mathura, Holi is observed for 16 days.

    In recent years, Holi festival gains popularity outside India. Now this holi festival is observed many others country throughout the world. This festival is mark port it Viva sears songs and dance. In this festival people observes the traditional folk song and also dances.

    👉  Importance of holi

    Holi is not only the festival of colours. It is a festival of happiness and merriment. During this festival people play with colourful powders and fragrant colourful liquid. They are not harmful to human skin. With this colourful water people make a bath with each other and also throw balloons filled with colourful water. In this festival the colours are made naturally. They are specially made from natural objects like turmeric, sandalwood, marigold flowers etc. But in recent years this colours are made artificially. These colours are very harmful to our skin and health.

    However Holi is a festival off colours in which foreigner shows interest and makes vivacious experience.


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